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Ministers, academics, industry leaders and green energy innovators, including alternative fuel experts from Luxfer – a main sponsor of the event, will come together at the end of June to explore the huge opportunity hydrogen presents in fighting climate change.
The 18th UK Hydrogen & Fuel Cells conference, which has been organised by Climate Change Solutions in partnership with the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, will commence with a virtual opening address from Greg Hands MP, the Minister of State for the Department for Business, Energy and Clean Growth.
Energy Minister Greg Hands said: “Hydrogen is the clean super-fuel of the future, and the UK is positioned to lead the world in this cutting-edge energy technology.
“We are developing hydrogen as a source of affordable homegrown power and a growing industry set to create thousands of jobs.”
A stellar line-up
Being held at the NEC Birmingham on Tuesday 28th June, the conference will feature over 30 guest talks and workshops from organisations including BP, Department of Transport, Jaguar Land Rover and BOSCH.
Discussions will span industry hot topics such as the challenges in delivering hydrogen products, hydrogen refuelling and how gas networks are preparing for the hydrogen economy.
Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power will lead his keynote talk on ‘The energy transition; a huge opportunity for the green hydrogen industry’.
He said: “In order to meet the predicted global demand for hydrogen we need to deploy over 3,500GW of electrolysis to reach net zero by 2050. To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to thirty-five centuries of electrolyser production at our Gigafactory. Therefore, cross-industry collaboration will be vital to achieve these targets and decarbonise some of the world’s most carbon intensive industries – including refining, ammonia, chemicals, steel, haulage and maritime transport.
“Collaboration and key partnerships are fundamental to scaling up the industry en masse and getting green hydrogen to the applications that need it.”

New challenges to fuelling the hydrogen market
Luxfer’s European Business Development Manager, Jim Gregory, will also take to the stage to cover ‘New challenges to fuelling the hydrogen market.”
Jim said: “Making tangible progress to deliver the promise of hydrogen to decarbonise transport – one of the highest-polluting sectors – has never been more important. However, accessing hydrogen to refuel vehicles, whether they be buses, trucks, trains or boats, has proven difficult, due to the lack of infrastructure and vital investment into it.”
“Where no gas networks exist, bulk gas cylinder systems help meet demand by delivering hydrogen to where it is needed,” Jim added. “In our view, bulk gas transportation modules are the only hydrogen solution that is broadly viable.”
Set to launch later this year, the 40ft long units designed by Luxfer and called Multiple Element Gas Containers (MEGC), can transport 1.1 tonnes of hydrogen from the electrolyser plant to the point of use, in a safe and cost-efficient way.
Knowledge share and collaboration
With so many industry leaders and strategic thinkers under one roof at the conference, Luxfer is proud to be a sponsor of the event.
Jim continued: “It is so important within the alternative fuel sector that we work collaboratively rather than competitively, so together we can all achieve our net zero climate goals.
“Reducing our carbon footprints, eradicating our reliance on fossil fuels and paving the way for a greener future for the next generation have never been more essential. That’s why conferences like this are so meaningful. It’s through networking, sharing knowledge, building connections and debating the issues that we can better evolve our ideas, products and services and bring new and improved innovations to market.”
Visit Jim and the Luxfer team on stand 24 to take a look at a small scale H2 mobility system and to learn about our alternative fuel systems.
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