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2023: a meaningful year of community engagement for the Luxfer Gas Cylinders team
As a global manufacturer, Luxfer Gas Cylinders recognises the position it is in to help the communities in which it works. By investing time, skills and experience, its teams have the ability to make a real difference across the world.Community engagement has always been a cornerstone to Luxfer’s ESG (Environmental, social and corporate governance) policy and global mission, with the company appreciating the importance of individual contribution.A formal scheme gives staff time during working hours to volunteer for charity initiatives. In fact, all full-time employees are given a one-day annual allowance to dedicate to a non-profit or charitable project of their choice.Here, we look back at the social responsibility initiatives Luxfer teams across the globe have been proud to be a part of during 2023…
TACKLING HOMELESSNESSIn the UK, Luxfer Gas Cylinders kickstarted its 2023 volunteering programme by pledging support to a range of good causes across the East Midlands, including renovation projects and community activities at local care centres, schools and charities.One of those charities was Emmanuel House Support Centre, a non-profit organisation providing diverse and accessible services for Nottingham’s most vulnerable citizens, whether they are homeless, rough sleeping, in crisis or at risk of homelessness. The Nottingham Luxfer team volunteered for a full day at Emmanuel House, giving the centre a much-needed clean so that it can continue to support those who need it most in the city, empowering individuals to make positive changes in their lives.
In Calgary, Luxfer Gas Cylinders has built a long-standing and impactful relationship with local Christian non-profit organisation, The Mustard Seed, helping to serve lunch in its food shelters as part of the charity’s wider aim of eliminating homelessness and reducing poverty. Operating in five cities across Alberta and British Columbia for more than three decades, The Mustard Seed is a supportive haven where people can have their physical, mental, and spiritual needs met and grow toward greater health and independence.With some of the highest populations of homeless in Riverside County found in the City of Riverside, the local team at Luxfer has continued its mission, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, to support homeless people as they transition into more permanent housing. Launched in 2021, the Mulberry Avenue Project aims to build 10 cottages for transitional homeless families. This year, teams from Luxfer Riverside have continued to volunteer, working side-by-side with Habitat, professional builders and other volunteers as part of a wider community project.
RENOVATING COMMUNITY GREEN SPACESThe Luxfer Nottingham team engaged in a volunteering event at Wollaton Hall, a Grade I listed Elizabethan country house and parkland in the heart of Nottingham, supporting the renovation of the beautiful walled gardens' public space.Volunteers from the Colwick site also traded their cylinder manufacturing tools for gardening tools for a day at a local care home in Nottinghamshire, planting, painting and tidying the outdoor space and preparing it for residents to enjoy.
FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEEDIn Pomona, a group of Luxfer volunteers committed time to help sort, stock, portion, package and assemble food and supply kits at the SOVA Food Pantry in Ontario, supporting local families and those facing homelessness. Kind-hearted employees across the Nottingham office also contributed to a collection for a local food bank, with the same call-out in 2021 seeing over 400 items donated to Nottinghamshire families in need.Meanwhile, the Canadian team volunteered for Grow Calgary, a non-profit community farm dedicated to growing fresh produce through sustainable agriculture for vulnerable people in Calgary and surrounding communities. 100% of the produce grown is distributed to local social agencies with food access programs.
CHRISTMAS CHEERFor several years now, employees of Luxfer based in Nottingham have supported a local radio station’s Christmas donation program – Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas – joining the charity in its goal of helping disadvantaged children across the region celebrate Christmas. Luxfer has gifted presents and monetary donations totalling over £250, and this year, has volunteered time to sorting out donations and helping the charity to organise items ready for distribution.
SUPPORTING PEOPLE IN HELPING PEOPLERecognising that its strength is in its people, Luxfer is committed to fostering an environment where its employees can champion charitable causes that are close to their hearts. This year, staff have been supported in:- Sponsorships for a variety of community efforts, including local football teams, swimming clubs and support with sporting events such as powerlifting.- Making donations to the likes of Macmillian, Cancer Research and a ward at a local Nottingham hospital, as part of the company’s charity donation program.- Aligning with local fire departments, and forging links with medical charities in relation to the SCBA and oxygen cylinders manufactured by the company.- Revamping a local school – a project which saw the six-strong Nottingham senior leadership team roll up their sleeves to repaint classrooms.While the company is always seeking opportunities to do more, Luxfer is proud of the impact it has made in 2023.Over the last 12 months, the global manufacturer has been more devoted than ever to its social responsibility efforts and there is continued motivation across the wider business to support those less fortunate in its communities.As we head into 2024, Luxfer looks forward to expanding its charitable efforts across its individual locations – all in line with its core mission, to create a safe, clean, and energy-efficient world.To find out more about the company’s charitable initiatives, see our latest news pages: