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Breathe Easy Week encourages public to love their lungs
NOTTINGHAM, England (June 24, 2009) – One of the many events held in support of The British Lung Foundation’s flagship campaign, ‘Breathe Easy Week,’ was hosted by the Nottingham group who, amongst other activities, encouraged members of the public to take a lung test.
The BLF’S 2009 theme of ‘Love Your Lungs’ is aimed at advising people with symptoms such as a persistent cough, breathlessness or wheezy chest to visit their GPs early as a precautionary measure against lung disease.
Luxfer Gas Cylinders is continuing its support of British Lung Foundation activities across the Midlands region, and this year's Breathe Easy events were supported by a grant for 'Love Your Lungs' branded merchandise.
Lung diseases — asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis and lung cancer affect eight million people in the UK. The British Lung Foundation is the only UK charity working for everyone affected by lung disease. It provides support for people affected by lung disease today and works in a variety of ways, including funding world-class research, to improve treatment, care and support for people who will be affected by lung disease in the future.
BLF provides information via its website,, and telephone helpline: 08458 50 50 20.