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Author: rusty

Author: rusty


Luxfer plays host at Sapeur-Pompiers 2007

CLERMONT-FERRAND, France (Sept. 26-29, 2007)—The 114th Annual National Congress of Firefighters of France (114ème Congrès national des sapeurs-pompiers de France) attracted 40,000 visitors and proved to be a highly successful event for Luxfer Gas Cylinders, not least because of its ideal location in Clermont-Ferrand near the company’s newly expanded European manufacturing facility for composite cylinders in Gerzat.

The exhibition also provided Luxfer a unique opportunity to open its doors to firefighters and other first responders from across France. Luxfer hosts conducted factory tours of the company’s automated production facilities, made presentations concerning Luxfer’s line of state-of-the-art cylinders for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and held question and answer sessions.

Evening entertainment concluded with a gala casino dinner co-hosted by Luxfer and Fenzy, a manufacturer of respiratory equipment.

The exhibition was an ideal European showcase for Luxfer’s new ‘Performance Sécurité‘ campaign featuring the company’s next-generation Superlite 6.9- litre full-wrap cylinders that combine unlimited life and extended gas delivery.

France Meder, Luxfer’s SCBA marketing manager, said: “Sapeur Pompier was an extremely important show for Luxfer, especially since we are local manufacturers based in Gerzat. We were delighted not only with the firefighters’ positive response to our new products, but also with their continued loyalty to Luxfer’s 6-litre hoop-wrap product range, which is popular amongst SCBA maintenance officers who value the operational cost savings associated with the cylinder’s unlimited life.”


Luxfer showcases new LCX Super-Light SCBA cylinders at A+A trade fair in Duesseldorf Germany

DÜSSELDORF, Germany (Sept. 18-21, 2007)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders showcased its new LCX® Super-Light line of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) cylinders at A+A, the world's largest international trade fair for occupational safety, fire and health equipment.

More than 55,000 visitors attended the show, where Luxfer was one of 1,460 exhibitors from 51 countries. The event was held concurrently with the international A+A Congress, attended by 6,000 participants and featuring educational seminars, product demonstrations and forums related to health and safety in the workplace.

Luxfer’s new LCX® Super-Light cylinder line attracted considerable attention from those interested in reducing the weight of SCBA life-support cylinders carried by firefighters and emergency rescue personnel. “Luxfer’s Super-Light range of SCBA cylinders has been ergonomically designed to reduce physical strain and the possibility of injury during use,” said France Meder, Luxfer’s SCBA marketing manager. “By using optimized, ultra-thin-walled aluminium liners and high-strength carbon-composite wrapping, we have achieved significant weight savings and maximum comfort without compromising strength or durability.”

Luxfer Gas Cylinders is the world’s largest manufacturer of aluminium and composite high-pressure gas cylinders, offering the broadest range of high-performance life-support cylinders, including all-aluminium, hoop-wrapped composite and full-wrapped composite models. With an unmatched record for safety and performance, Luxfer life-support cylinders protect firefighters, emergency personnel and industrial SCBA users around the globe.

For more information, please contact Luxfer Customer Services on +44 115 980 3800, Colwick, Nottingham NG4 2BH England, or visit


Les affiches ‘Pas à pas vérification de la bouteille’ de Luxfer sont a present disponibles pour les utilisateurs français de bouteilles pour Appareils Respiratoires Autonomes (ARI)

NOTTINGHAM, Angleterre (14 septembre 2007)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders a créé une nouvelle affiche "Pas à pas vérification de la bouteille" ARI destinée à être utilisée par les services en charge de l’exploitation et de la maintenance dans les pays francophones.

L’affiche au format A2 est conçue sous la forme d’un diagramme pratique qui illustre, étape par étape, l’inspection et les tests, l’entretien et la maintenance, le retrait et l’insertion des valves, le remplissage et l’étiquetage des bouteilles composites.

Les affiches "Pas à pas vérification de la bouteille" sont disponibles gratuitement auprès de Fleur FOSTER, Services Marketing de Luxfer, par e-mail à l’adresse ou par téléphone au +44 (0)115 980 3870.


Das Plakat ‘Step-by-Step’ Fitness Check von Luxfer für die Benutzer von Pressluft-Atemgeräten ist nun auch in deutscher Sprache erhältlich!

NOTTINGHAM, Angleterre (14 septembre 2007)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders hat ein neues Plakat "Step-by-Step – Fitness Check" erstellt, das sich an Anwender und Wartungswerkstätten in den deutschsprachigen Ländern richtet.

Auf diesem Din A2-Plakat sind die Informationen übersichtlich in einem Diagramm dargestellt, in dem Schritt für Schritt Inspektion und Prüftests, Pflege und Wartung, Abnahme und Montage der Ventile, Füllen sowie Beschriftung der Composite-Flaschen erläutert werden.

Die Plakate „Step-by-Step – Fitness Check“ können jederzeit kostenlos bei Fleur FOSTER, Luxfer Marketing Services, per E-Mail unter oder telefonisch unter +44 (0)115 980 3870 angefordert werden.


Luxfer’s Odyssey and Excursion cylinders ease load for emergency medical frontline crews

NOTTINGHAM, England (Aug. 10, 2007)--Medical Gas Solutions (MGS) has successfully completed implementation of a five-year contract with the East Midlands Ambulance Service by supplying Luxfer’s 300-bar, 2-litre Odyssey™ and 10-litre Excursion™ cylinders under the MGS brand name “New Vision”.

Part of Luxfer’s advanced technology hoop-wrap and full- wrap composite product lines, these cylinders combine optimum strength and durability with uncompromising safety in compact, portable packages. Because the cylinders can be charged up to 300 bar, they are ideal for frontline crews since they provide almost double the gas volume of a conventional cylinder.

Steve Gullick, Medical Gas Solution’s managing director, said: “We selected Luxfer’s Excursion and Odyssey series because they provide a total-solution approach to medical gas delivery, including the lightest weight-to-duration ratio available on the market.”

New Vision cylinders are fitted with an innovative micro-chip tracking device that enables ambulance services not only to record and monitor stock control via an on-line link, but also to recognize "hot spots" where extra cylinders are required. The system incorporates a unique identity number that can be traced back to the date of manufacture, refill dates, gas contents, cylinder type, batch control and testing data.

Other user benefits to the New Vision system include integral valve technology with easy-to-read settings, ergonomically designed controls and easy-access power outlets.


Medical Gas Solutions show off new units equipped with lightweight Luxfer oxygen cylinders at world’s largest military aircraft show

FAIRFORT ROYAL AIR FORCE BASE, England (July 17-18)—Visitors to the annual Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), the world’s largest military air show, were in safe hands thanks to revolutionary medical gas equipment provided by Medical Gas Solutions (MGS) and equipped with Luxfer Medical lightweight oxygen cylinders.

More than 167,000 visitors attended this year’s RIAT, which featured 320 modern and vintage aircraft from 35 countries. Visitors witnessed flying displays of fast jets, giant bombers and transports, historic aircraft from both world wars and a rare UK appearance of the US Air Force “Thunderbirds” precision-flying team.

Flintshire-based Medical Gas Solutions (MGS) was one of the volunteer groups who help make this world-famous air show possible. Darren Allen, MGS sales and marketing director, said: “We were delighted to be invited to help out at the RIAT show, which provided an excellent showcase for our new range of multi-patient equipment.”

MGS has worked closely with the UK Department of Health and with emergency services specialists to develop its frontline portable and MPUTM multi-patient oxygen delivery systems, which incorporate lightweight Luxfer Medical 300-bar ExcursionTM and OdysseyTM cylinders.

Extended-capacity MPU systems have proven to be a major breakthrough in helping emergency services deal with major incidents by providing a sustained supply of oxygen for up to 48 casualties from a single unit that delivers at eight litres per minute for up to half an hour. “The MPU series was originally developed for use after a chemical or biological attack,” Allen said, “and it is now being reviewed for use as an emergency standby oxygen supply for main hospitals, temporary hospitals and emergency treatment centres”.

Weighing approximately 80kg with full cylinders, MPU units are ergonomically designed with user-friendly control panels mounted on a purpose-built trolley holding four 10-litre cylinders that produce up to 13,600 litres of medical oxygen. The MPU was the first system to combine all the benefits of lightweight, carbon-fibre-wrapped, high-pressure cylinders into a system capable of supplying medical oxygen through a series of hoses and multi-flow therapy heads.

Frontline portable oxygen systems have been specifically designed for paramedics, enabling them to treat up to eight casualties with two multi-patient heads delivering 25 minutes of oxygen from ultra-lightweight cylinders, including integral regulators and power outlets.

Additional features include simple, low-level monitoring and automatic changeover from empty to full cylinders with no interruption of the oxygen supply to casualties. Also available are standby trolleys carrying four spare cylinders. For optimum safety, units can be clamped securely to a vehicle floor.

For more information visit or


Luxfer Excursion cylinders help Medical Gas Solutions win National Health Service contract

NOTTINGHAM, England (July 16, 2007)—Medical Gas Solutions have recently been awarded a Department of Health contract to supply National Health Service Trusts with the revolutionary MPU multi-patient oxygen delivery system, which incorporates Luxfer’s 300-bar ExcursionTM cylinders, part of the Luxfer Medical product range.

Extended-capacity MPU systems have proven to be a major breakthrough in helping emergency services deal with the aftermath of major incidents by providing a sustained supply of oxygen for up to 48 casualties from one unit that delivers 8 litres per minute for up to half an hour.

Originally developed for use after a chemical or biological attack, the MPU series is now being reviewed for use as an emergency standby oxygen supply for main hospitals, temporary hospitals and emergency treatment centres.

Weighing approximately 80kg when all cylinders are full, MPU units have been ergonomically developed to include user-friendly control panels mounted on a purpose-built trolley capable of holding four 10-litre cylinders producing up to 13,600 litres of medical oxygen.

Additional features include simple, low-level monitoring and automatic changeover from empty to full cylinders without interrupting the oxygen supply to casualties. Empty cylinders can be easily changed while the system automatically switches back to the “duty” cylinders. Standby trolleys are also available carrying four spare cylinders. For optimum safety in transit, units can be clamped securely to the vehicle floor.

Vicky Butler, Luxfer’s medical marketing manager, said: “We have been working closely alongside Medical Gas Solutions to help provide a viable, lightweight cylinder capable of delivering optimum capacities of oxygen to frontline crews. The Luxfer Medical Excursion range proved to be the ideal solution.”

The MPU was the first system to combine all the benefits of lightweight, carbon-wrapped, high-pressure cylinders into a system capable of supplying medical oxygen through a series of hoses and multi-flow therapy heads.

For more information, visit: or


Luxfer continues support for British Lung Foundation at Midlands events

NOTTINGHAM, England (June 18, 2007) – Luxfer Gas Cylinders continued supporting the British Lung Foundation at various events across the Midlands region over the last several months.

In late April, employees from Luxfer Europe were once again among thousands of runners in the British Lung Foundation’s Annual Lung Run in Sutton Park, Birmingham, UK. Many Luxfer participants finished within the first few hundred runners.

Other events included the launch of a new Breathe Easy support group in Buxton, which was set up with the help of start-up grants provided by Luxfer, and more recently, the network’s highly-successful Regional Information Exchange and Support days held in Derby and West Bromwich.

“Luxfer was one of the event’s main sponsors and we are extremely proud to be associated with such a deserving and hard-working charity,” said Vicky Butler, Luxfer’s medical marketing manager. “Breathe Easy groups are a lifeline for many of the eight million people living with lung disease throughout the UK, and the much-needed funds will enable groups to meet regularly, set up communications networks and invite guest speakers, including healthcare specialists and practitioners.”

To date, Luxfer has donated start-up grants for five new groups across the Midlands, including Bourne, North Nottingham, Buxton, Newark and Ilkeston.

The British Lung Foundation is the only UK charity working for everyone affected by lung disease. It provides support for people affected by lung disease today and works in a variety of ways, including funding world-class research, to improve treatment, care and support for people affected by lung disease in the future.

The British Lung Foundation provides information via its website and telephone helpline: 08458 50 50 20.

The Luxfer Medical product line includes a wide variety of lightweight, portable high-pressure cylinders that improve the lives of oxygen users. For more information, visit


Luxfer offers updated Fitness Check posters for SCBA cylinders

NOTTINGHAM, England (June 1, 2007)--Luxfer Gas Cylinders is now offering an updated version of its popular SCBA 'Fitness Check' poster for use in SCBA operation and maintenance departments across Europe.

The A2-sized poster is designed in a helpful flow-chart format to provide a step-by-step guide to composite cylinder inspection and testing, care and maintenance, valve removal and insertion, filling and labelling.

Fitness Check posters are available free of charge from Fleur Foster, Luxfer Marketing Services by emailing or telephoning 0115 9803800.


Bremen Fire Department to use Luxfer Voyage cylinders in exclusive contract with DEHAS

BREMEN, Germany (May 21, 2007) — As part of an exclusive contract with DEHAS, the Bremen Fire Department & Rescue Services will use Luxfer’s lightweight Voyage 2-litre cylinders made from Luxfer’s patented, higher-strength L7X aluminium alloy.

Based in Lubeck, DEHAS specializes in providing a wide range of medical oxygen and patient monitoring equipment across the German emergency medical services (EMS) and hospital markets.

DEHAS Managing Director Kristina Mittendorf said: "We are delighted to have secured this contract, and we welcome the opportunity of working alongside the Bremen Fire Department & Rescue Services. The cylinders we will be supplying and servicing are part of Luxfer Gas Cylinders’ new Voyage 2-litre aluminium range. These revolutionary cylinders have been designed to help reduce the risk of job-related injuries during patient and equipment handling, especially in high-rise or confined spaces."

Up to 40 percent lighter in weight than conventional steel cylinders, Voyage cylinders combine a charging pressure of up to 200 bar with exceptional strength, durability and portability.

For more information please contact Jens Mittendorf at DEHAS: or + 49 451 290 3234.


DEHAS gibt neuen Servicevertrag mit Bremer Feuerwehr- und Rettungsservice bekannt

BREMEN, Germany (21.05.2007)--Als Teil eines Exklusivvertrags mit DEHAS wird der Bremer Feuerwehr- und Rettungsservice künftig 2-Liter Voyage Leichtbauzylinder der Firma Luxfer einsetzen. Diese Baureihe profitiert von der Luxfer’s patentierter, hochstabiler L7X Aluminiumlegierung.

Die Firma, mit Sitz in Lübeck, hat sich darauf spezialisiert eine große Auswahl der medizinischen Sauerstoff- und Patientenbeobachtungsaustattung für den deutschen EMS und Hospitalbedarf anzubieten.

Geschäftsführerin Kristina Mittendorf fügt hinzu: “Wir sind hocherfreut, uns diesen Vertrag gesichert zu haben und nutzen die Chance an der Seite des Bremer Feuerwehr- und Rettungsservice zu arbeiten. Die Zylinder, die wir liefern und warten werden sind Teil der neuen Voyage 2 Liter Aluminium Linie der Firma Luxfer Gas Cylinder. Diese revolutionären Zylinder wurden entwickelt um das Risiko jobbezogener Verletzungen während des Umgangs mit Patienten und Equipment zu verringern, speziell bei beengten Platzverhältnissen.

Voyage Zylinder sind bis zu 40% leichter als konventionelle Stahlzylinder. Sie kombinieren einen Fülldruck von bis zu 200 Bar mit außergewöhnlicher Stärke und Haltbarkeit, sind leicht zu transportieren und zu warten.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: Jens Mittendorf, DEHAS | + 49 451 290 3234 |


Luxfer launches new LCX-SL Super-Light SCBA cylinder line at FDIC

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (May 15, 2007) - Luxfer Gas Cylinders introduced its new line of LCX-SL Super-Light SCBA cylinders at the 2007 Fire Department Instructors’ Conference (FDIC) and exhibition recently held in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Luxfer’s LCX–SL cylinders help minimize the risk of occupational strain or injury by combining high-performance features with weight reductions of up to 1.5 pounds.

FDIC is the largest instructor/training fire event in the United States, attracting more than 26,000 participants and visitors each year with in hands-on training sessions and instructor development courses.

France Meder, Luxfer’s SCBA marketing manager, said: “FDIC is an extremely important show for Luxfer and, as long-term exhibitors, we were especially delighted with reaction to our new LCX-SL products, particularly among trainers and OEMs who appreciate the benefit of added weight savings. For example, when fighting a fire in a high-rise, multi-story building, a firefighter might need to carry five or six cylinders. Using LCX-SL cylinders could cut five or six pounds off the firefighter’s load. That’s a significant weight savings when you’re climbing a long distance.”

Re-engineered to the meet DOT SP 10915, these next-generation Luxfer cylinders offer exceptional strength and durability even under extreme conditions.

Available in a wide range of capacities and specifications, Luxfer’s LCX-SL cylinders offer a full 15-year lifetime warranty along with a five-year re-qualification period.

For more information about LCX-SL Super-Light SCBA cylinders, visit or call toll free: 800-764-0366.