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Author: rusty

Author: rusty


Luxfer Gas Cylinders annonce la date d’ouverture en France d’un nouveau site de bouteilles en composite

GERZAT, CLERMONT-FERRAND, France (Sept. 15, 2005)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders annonce l’ouverture de son nouveau site européen de production de bouteilles en composite.

Luxfer a investi plusieurs millions d’euros dans cette usine d’avant-garde qui emploiera, dans un premier temps, 40 personnes. Ce nouveau site, qui est une extension du site français déjà existant, produira des bouteilles bobinées en composite de carbone utilisées essentiellement sur le marché médical, mais aussi par les pompiers et les sauveteurs. Les produits fabriqués seront des bouteilles d’oxygène médical et des bouteilles de secours pour appareils respiratoires autonomes (SCBA).

“La demande européenne de bouteilles d’oxygène et de secours en composite a significativement augmenté,” déclare David Rix, directeur de Luxfer Europe. “Décisive, la capacité accrue de notre usine française permettra à Luxfer de satisfaire les besoins croissants de nos clients européens, en leur proposant une large gamme de produits fabriqués auparavant aux États-Unis exclusivement. Nous projetons déjà d’augmenter la capacité de production de notre site français, pour répondre à la demande croissante d’autres secteurs du marché européen, comme celui du paintball.”

David Sparkes, directeur des opérations pour l’Europe, souligne que des techniciens et des spécialistes de la fabrication de Luxfer USA ont activement participé à la mise en place du nouveau site européen.

Fondée en 1898, la société Luxfer est le premier fabricant mondial de bouteilles de gaz à haute pression en aluminium et en composite pour le confinement des gaz. Avec six usines en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie ainsi que des bureaux commerciaux dans le monde entier, Luxfer travaille au service d'un vaste portefeuille de clients sur de nombreux marchés importants - marché médical, marché de l’assistance à la vie, des boissons, de la lutte anti-incendie, de la plongée et des gaz spéciaux. Environ 50 millions de bouteilles Luxfer sont en service dans le monde. Luxfer Gas Cylinders fait partie du groupe mondial de sociétés Luxfer.

Pour obtenir davantage d’informations concernant notre nouveau site français et les produits Luxfer, vous pouvez consulter notre site web ou téléphoner au +44 (0) 115 9803800.


Luxfer Gas Cylinders representatives attend conference to promote oxygen therapy in US

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (Aug. 29, 2005)—Representatives from Luxfer Gas Cylinders joined doctors, clinicians, patients and experts from all areas of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) at the Sixth Oxygen Consensus Conference in Denver, Colo., Aug. 25-28.

Conference attendees discussed problems confronting LTOT patients and developed action plans for addressing the problems. The five previous oxygen consensus conferences, which took place between 1986 and 2000, have stimulated development of oxygen standards and other improvements for oxygen therapy.

An estimated 14 to 16 million Americans suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and approximately 10 percent require home oxygen therapy to treat chronically low oxygen levels in the blood. Lack of proper oxygen intake can result in diminished brain function and, over time, can cause many of the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s disease, including confusion and forgetfulness.

COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and one of the few chronic diseases with growing prevalence and mortality rates. The disease claims more than 120,000 lives annually. About 85 to 90 percent of COPD cases develop as a direct result of cigarette smoking. Other factors include environmental pollution and genetic predisposition to the disease.

Existing medications seldom reverse the effects of COPD. Long-term oxygen therapy, when properly prescribed and maintained, is the only non-surgical therapy clinically proven to extend the lives of patients with COPD and low blood-oxygen levels. In addition to prolonging life, LTOT improves the quality of life for many patients who use oxygen-dispensing units in homes and vehicles.

Obstacles to effective treatment of COPD include reductions in Medicare coverage of oxygen for LTOT, outdated research and lack of doctor and patient education.

Goals for the conference included:

  • Creating greater awareness among consumers and the medical community about the complex nature and important benefits of long-term oxygen therapy, as well as the technology options currently available and being developed.
  • Promoting earlier testing of older Americans for low blood-oxygen. Early treatment provides patients with a greater chance of living longer, more active lives.
  • Achieving better federal and state policies to strengthen patient access to oxygen through Medicare and Medicaid. Provisions in the 2003 prescription drug bill reduced reimbursement rates for oxygen and oxygen equipment, which may be hindering access to oxygen therapy.
  • Other conference participants included leaders from the American College of Physicians, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Thoracic Society, the American Association for Respiratory Care, the American Association for Homecare, patient advocacy groups, oxygen providers, oxygen equipment manufacturers and third-party payers.


    Luxfer-sponsored Copenhagen Ducks showing strength in European paintball tournament

    NOTTINGHAM, England (Aug. 22, 2005) — The Copenhagen Ducks, a paintball team sponsored by Luxfer Gas Cylinders, has been showing considerable strength in tournament competition across Europe, including the Maxs tournament in Germany, DMA Amsterdam and the 7-Man World Cup in Paris, where they achieved tenth position against outstanding competition.

    Nick Brockdorff, Ducks manager, said, “We are delighted to receive Luxfer’s continued support throughout the 2005 season, especially since they are the only cylinder manufacturer in the world to be directly involved with paintball as a sport.”

    The Copenhagen Ducks will be in action again at the Campaign Cup in England Sept. 2-4 and the Iberian Cup in Madrid Oct. 7-9.

    Luxfer Gas Cylinders also sponsors the London Tigers paintball team.


    Luxfer sponsoring Kids in Action activities

    NOTTINGHAM, England (Aug. 5, 2005) — Luxfer Gas Cylinders recently began sponsoring the charity Kids In Action to help give disabled and disadvantaged children a chance to participate in sporting activities and outings across the UK.

    “Kids In Action are doing a wonderful job in helping children build confidence and independence through sports and social interaction outside of the home,” said Vicky Butler, Luxfer’s European marketing manager. “We are delighted to be able to help play a small part in fund raising, and we wish them every success in the future.”


    Luxfer help sponsor Henley Ball fundraiser in support of National Children’s Homes

    NOTTINGHAM, England (Aug. 5, 2005) — Luxfer Gas Cylinders were amongst the companies sponsoring the Henley Ball fundraiser in aid of National Children’s Homes (NCH).

    NCH support some of the most vulnerable children in the UK, providing a diverse range of services to deal with serious difficulties, including housing, education, disabilities and bullying.

    “Luxfer are delighted to be able to help such a hard-working and deserving charity, and we wish them every success throughout 2005,” said Veronique McKellican, Luxfer Europe marketing director.


    Thousands of Boy Scouts to use Luxfer scuba tanks at annual US Jamboree

    FORT A.P. HILL, Va (July 15, 2005)—Thanks to XS Scuba, Inc., master distributor for Luxfer scuba tanks, some 40,000 Boy Scouts will have the chance to try scuba diving when the 2005 National Boy Scout Jamboree is held at this 76,000-acre U.S. Army facility from July 25 through Aug. 3.

    XS Scuba is providing complete scuba and snorkeling equipment for the 10-day event, including 350 Luxfer aluminum tanks equipped with Thermo valves. In four large swimming pools, hundreds of trained scuba volunteers will help thousands of scouts to experience scuba diving each day. The Luxfer tanks will be filled from large military mobile compressors.

    "XS Scuba is proud to have been selected to provide the participants of the 16th National Boy Scout Jamboree the chance to experience scuba," said Dan Babcock, president of XS Scuba. "This is a rare opportunity to help create the next generation of scuba divers." The headquarters for XS Scuba is in Santa Ana, Calif.

    In addition to scuba and snorkeling, scouts will participate in kayaking, archery, trap shooting, rappelling and many other outdoor activities. Emphasis throughout the Jamboree will be on teaching scouts about their national heritage, physical fitness and environmental conservation.


    Luxfer now provides electronic test reports order acknowledgements and invoices via e-mail

    RIVERSIDE, Calif. (May 25, 2005)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders announced today that it now provides customers test reports, order acknowledgements and invoices in electronic form via e-mail.

    Made possible by Luxfer’s use of advanced SAP TM software and computer technology, this new Luxfer capability offers numerous customer benefits, including:

    • Less paperwork, paper-handling and filing.
    • Rapid access to order-related information.
    • Quicker answers to order-related questions.
    • No more waiting for documents to arrive by mail.
    • No more worry about lost documents.

    “This technological advancement is another example of Luxfer’s ongoing commitment to provide the best customer service in the cylinder industry,” said Pam McLean, Luxfer customer service manager. “We look forward to helping our customers save time and money by reducing their paperwork and by making their order information available to them much faster.”

    To learn more about Luxfer’s electronic reporting capability, call Luxfer customer service toll-free at 800-764-0366.


    Luxfer runners win second and third prizes in annual British Lung Foundation race

    Luxfer Gas Cylinders was once again one of the main sponsors of the British Lung Foundation’s Annual Lung Run held on April 24 in Sutton Park, Birmingham.

    Now in its 12th year, the event attracts thousands of runners from across the UK, including employees from Luxfer Europe who were once again part of the line-up together with Breathe Easy Group, members and friends of the Foundation’s patient support network.

    The British Lung Foundation is a lifeline for many of the eight million people living with lung disease throughout the UK.

    Luxfer’s 10K teams performed exceptionally well, winning second and third places in the Challenge Team category out of a total of 38 teams.

    Richard Trapeau from the company’s French manufacturing facility finished the 10K race in an outstanding time of 37 minutes and 17 seconds, with teammate Clive Greyson from Nottingham following closely behind in 37 minutes 22 seconds.

    Veronique McKellican, Luxfer’s European marketing director, said: “As one of the event’s main sponsors, we are extremely proud to be associated with such a deserving and hard-working charity. Major events like the BLF Lung Run provide much-needed funds for on-going research.”


    Interschutz Luxfer announces new European developments

    Luxfer Gas Cylinders is the leading name in revolutionary developments in lightweight high-pressure cylinder technology backed by an unsurpassed history of outstanding safety and performance.

    Established in 1898, Luxfer has emerged as the industry leader in life-support cylinders for firefighters, emergency personnel and industrial users of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) around the world.

    Luxfer continues to develop lightweight cylinders in response to increasing demand for ergonomically designed equipment that combines dramatic weight reduction with outstanding performance.

    Veronique McKellican, Luxfer’s European Marketing Director, noted that Luxfer will make a major investment in 2005 to expand the company’s capacity to manufacture high-pressure composite cylinders in Europe, including the addition of a wide range of products currently manufactured in the United States. “New composite winding equipment will be installed at Luxfer’s plant in France, which currently produces Kevlar and carbon-composite hoop-wrap cylinders used primarily for medical oxygen and life support for the fire and rescue personnel,” she said. “The investment will significantly enhance Luxfer’s commitment to optimum service levels, particularly in response to European demand for full-wrap medical oxygen cylinders and life-support breathing systems.”

    For further information about Luxfer’s SCBA products and copies of Luxfer’s cylinder care and maintenance guides, please visit Hall 27, Stand No. J28 at Interschutz. Additional information is also available by visiting


    Luxfer helps medics to conquer Everest

    Luxfer Gas Cylinders will play a major part in helping a team of British doctors reach the summit of Mount Everest in 2007 by donating revolutionary Luxfer Superlite™ cylinders capable of delivering oxygen in a closed circuit breathing system for up to 20 hours.

    Xtreme Everest, a research expedition coordinated by the Centre for Aviation Space and Extreme (CASE) environment medicine will be the first study of its kind to determine how observations on the body’s reactions to low oxygen levels at extreme altitude can ultimately help critically ill patients in intensive care.

    By using recent advances in firefighters closed systems, the CASE team plans to develop a lightweight closed circuit capable of filtering expired CO2 through a soda lime canister and storing it in a reservoir to prevent excessive loss of heat and water.

    Vicky Butler, Luxfer’s European Marketing Manager adds; “We are extremely proud to be associated with such an important research project and feel confident that Luxfer’s Superlite cylinders will prove to be an invaluable piece of equipment during the arduous climb.“

    Schedules for initial testing on the closed circuit are provisionally planned for; May - Wales/French Alps, June - Hypobaric Chamber/Farnborough, July - French Alps< and September - Cho Oyo Himalayas.

    For further information about Luxfer Gas Cylinders please contact 0115 9803839 or email


    Luxfer gets breathless for the BLF

    February sees the launch of Luxfer’s “Get Breathless” campaign in support of the British Lung Foundation’s efforts to raise record-breaking funds throughout 2005.

    The “Get Breathless“ campaign invites Luxfer employees, family and friends to get together in support of this well-deserving cause when people of all ages, shapes and sizes will be raising money for the BLF by being sponsored for cycling or swimming, car washing or simply walking to work instead of taking the car.

    Luxfer’s European Marketing Manager Vicky Butler adds; “This is an extra-special year for the BLF who celebrate their 20th birthday with a long line-up of events including the fun-filled public awareness campaign “Love your Lungs” promoting the message that exercise is good for the lungs together with advice on how to keep them healthy.

    For the third consecutive year Luxfer will also be Silver sponsors of the BLF Lung Run in Sutton Coldfield on Sunday, the 24th of April when over 2,000 runners are expected to take part.

    Last year, Luxfer employees from Gerzat and Nottingham achieved times well under 25 minutes in the 5k run and the 10k team went on to win the 4th challenge trophy.”

    Luxfer will also be sponsoring Nottingham employee Barbara Vaughan who will be running the full London marathon for the first time on Sunday April 17th in an estimated time of four and a half hours.

    Anyone wishing to sponsor Barbara should either email her at or make their contribution via her dedicated fund-raising web page


    Luxfer announces next generation of all aluminium cylinders

    January 2005 — Luxfer Gas Cylinders have announced plans to supersede its existing 6061-alloy range of hoop-wrap cylinders in Europe with its next-generation 7000-series all-metal cylinder range beginning in June 2005. Production of 6061-alloy all-aluminium and 6061-alloy full-wrap composite cylinders will be unaffected.

    Developed using a patented, stronger aluminium alloy, the Luxfer 7000-series all-metal cylinder range provides weight comparable to the 6061-alloy hoop-wrap range plus significant added-value benefits, including unlimited life and an extended retest period of 10 years.

    Luxfer now offers homecare providers and medical equipment suppliers Europe’s most comprehensive choice of lightweight cylinder options, ranging from all-metal 6061-alloy and 7000-series cylinders to its premier 7000-series hoop-wraps and 6061-alloy full-wrap composites.

    Vicky Butler, European marketing manager, commented: “These pioneering developments in advanced cylinder technology show Luxfer’s ongoing commitment to providing Europe not only the widest range of lightweight oxygen-delivery systems, but also unsurpassed safety and customer service across all medical market sectors.”

    For further information please contact Vicky Butler on 0115 9803800, email or visit