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Author: rusty

Author: rusty


Luxfer gibt Einführung von Aluminiumgasflaschen der kommenden Generation bekannt

Januar 2005 — Luxfer Gas Cylinders hat Pläne bekanntgegeben, ab Juni 2005 sein aktuelles Sortiment von Hoop-Wrapflaschen aus Aluminium 6061 in Europa durch Vollaluminiumflaschen der kommenden Generation, Serie 7000, schrittweise zu ersetzen. Davon unbetroffen bleibt die Produktion von Druckgasflaschen aus Aluminium 6061 und von vollumwickelten Composite-Flaschen mit einem Liner aus Aluminium 6061.

Die mittels einer patentierten, stärkeren Aluminiumlegierung entwickelten Vollaluminiumflaschen der Serie Luxfer 7000 bieten gegenüber den Hoop-Wrapflaschen aus Aluminium 6061 ein vergleichbares Gewicht sowie erhebliche andere Vorteile , wie z.B. unbegrenzte Lebensdauer und einen längeren Nachprüfungsz eitraum von 10 Jahren.

Luxfer bietet jetzt der Atemtherapie und den Lieferanten von Medizintechnik Europas größte Auswahl von Druckgasbehältern in Leichtbauweise, angefangen bei seinen Metallflaschen aus Aluminium 6061 oder 7000, bis hin zu den Hoop-Wrap flaschen der Serie 7000 und den vollumwickelten Composite-Flaschen mit Aluminium-Liner.

Vicky Butler, Marketingmanagerin für den europäischen Markt, meint dazu : „Diese bahnbrechenden Entwicklungen in Bezug auf die fortschrittlichen Technologien in der Flaschenfertigung belegen Luxfers anhaltendes Engagement dafür, Europa nicht nur das größte Sortiment von Sauerstoffversorgungssystemen in Leichtbauweise sondern auch eine unübertroffene Sicherheit und einen einmaligen Kundendienst in allen medizinischen Marktsektoren zu bieten .“

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Vicky Butler unter 0044 115 9803800 bzw. E-Mail oder besuchen Sie unsere Website unter


Luxfer annonce l’arrivée de ses bouteilles Nouvelle Generation 100% aluminium

Janvier 2005 — Luxfer Gas Cylinders annonce son intention de remplacer sa gamme actuelle de bouteilles frettées en alliage 6061 en Europe par sa gamme de bouteilles nouvelle génération série 7000 100 % métallique début juin 2005. La production des bouteilles en alliage 6061 100% aluminium et de bouteilles bobinées composite en alliage 6061 ne sera pas affectée par cette évolution.

Développée à l'aide d'un alliage breveté comportant un aluminium plus résistant, la gamme de bouteilles Luxfer série 7000 100 % métallique propose un poids comparable à la gamme de bouteilles frettées en alliage 6061, avec en prime une durée de vie illimitée et un prolongement à 10 ans de la période entre épreuves.

Désormais Luxfer propose aux fournisseurs d'équipement médical à domicile et en milieu spécialisé, le choix le plus large en Europe de bouteilles légères, allant des bouteilles en alliage 6061 tout métallique et série 7000 à ses premières bouteilles frettées série 7000 et ses bouteilles bobinées en alliage 6061.

Selon Vicky Butler, Directeur Marketing Europe, “ces développements en technologie de pointe au service des bouteilles démontrent clairement l'engagement de Luxfer à proposer à l'Europe non seulement une gamme très large de systèmes légers pour fournir l'oxygène, mais également une sécurité et un service après vente sans égal dans tous les secteurs médicaux.”

Pour avoir plus de renseignements, nous vous invitons à contacter Vicky Butler au 00 44 115 980 3800, email ou sur


Luxfer updates inspection and replacement policy for scuba cylinders manufactured in the United States

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (October 12, 2004)— Luxfer Gas Cylinders has updated its inspection and replacement policy for Luxfer aluminum scuba cylinders manufactured in the United States from 6351 alloy and 6061 alloy. The updated policy supersedes all previous Luxfer policy statements covering this subject.

The primary differences between this policy statement and earlier statements are:

  • The updated policy approves the use of the Visual Plus 3™ eddy-current device for inspecting Luxfer scuba aluminum cylinders made both from 6351 alloy and 6061 alloy.
  • The updated policy clarifies the status of all scuba-related replacement, rebate and trade-in programs.

The full text of the policy is as follows:

Luxfer Scuba Cylinder Inspection and Replacement Policy

Effective October 12, 2004: This Luxfer policy statement supersedes all previous Luxfer statements concerning inspection and replacement of Luxfer scuba cylinders.

Section I: Inspection and Testing of Luxfer Scuba Cylinders Manufactured from 6351 Aluminum Alloy

Luxfer scuba cylinders were manufactured from 6351 aluminum alloy during the following periods:

  • United States : 1972 through mid-1988
  • England : 1967 through 1995
  • Australia : 1975 through 1990

Luxfer requires that every Luxfer 6351-alloy all-aluminum scuba cylinder be visually inspected at least every 2.5 years by a properly trained inspector. As part of this inspection, Luxfer further requires that the cylinder neck be tested with an eddy-current device such as Visual Plus™, Visual Plus 2™, Visual Plus 3™,Visual Eddy™ or equivalent non-destructive testing equipment. When properly used, eddy-current devices contribute significantly to early detection of difficult-to-observe sustained-load cracks in the necks of 6351-alloy cylinders. If the cylinder passes the inspection, the inspector will document that fact. If the cylinder fails the inspection, it must be removed from service immediately. Do not use Luxfer 6351-alloy scuba cylinders that have not been both visually inspected and eddy-current tested and then properly documented.

This Luxfer-required visual and eddy-current inspection is in addition to periodic requalifications (including retesting and inspections) required or recommended by various regulatory agencies around the world. The intervals between retests and inspections vary from country to country.

In addition to the required inspection and testing described above and in keeping with U.S. scuba industry standards, Luxfer recommends that all Luxfer 6351-alloy scuba cylinders be visually inspected at least once each year by a properly trained inspector.

For cylinders in heavy use (for example, those filled five or more times a week), Luxfer recommends visual inspection every four months. For more information, refer to Luxfer’s Scuba Cylinder Inspection Guide, which is available by calling Luxfer at 800-764-0366 or by visiting the Luxfer web site at

Section II: Inspection and Testing of Luxfer Scuba Cylinders Manufactured from 6061 Aluminum Alloy

Luxfer began manufacturing scuba cylinders from a proprietary 6061 aluminum alloy in mid-1988 in the United States , in 1995 in England and in 1990 in Australia . The majority of Luxfer scuba cylinders currently in service are made from this proprietary 6061 alloy, which Luxfer is still using.

Cylinders made from Luxfer’s proprietary 6061 alloy are not susceptible to sustained-load cracks. Therefore, Luxfer does not recommend the use of earlier-generation eddy-current devices—e.g., Visual Plus, Visual Plus 2, and Visual Eddy—with Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders because field experience has shown that using these devices can result in misleading “false-positive” readings and erroneously condemned cylinders.

However, Luxfer does approve the use of the Visual Plus 3™ eddy-current device with Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders. After laboratory testing, Luxfer has determined that properly calibrated Visual Plus 3 equipment eliminates the “false positive” problem, accurately measures features in the neck area of aluminum cylinders, and generally provides correct pass or fail assessments with cylinders made from Luxfer’s 6061 alloy. As of the date of this Luxfer Policy Statement, Visual Plus 3 is the only eddy-current testing device suitable for use with Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders.

Luxfer emphasizes that the use of eddy-current devices to improve the quality and accuracy of inspections does not eliminate the need for a thorough visual inspection by a properly trained and qualified inspector.

In keeping with U.S. scuba industry standards, Luxfer recommends annual visual inspection of Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders by a properly trained inspector. For cylinders in heavy use (for example, those filled five or more times a week), Luxfer recommends visual inspection every four months. These recommended inspections are in addition to periodic requalifications (including retesting and inspections) required or recommended by various regulatory agencies around the world. The intervals between retests and inspections vary from country to country.

For more information, refer to Luxfer’s Scuba Cylinder Inspection Guide, which is available by calling Luxfer at 800-764-0366 or visiting the Luxfer web site at

Section III: Luxfer Scuba Cylinder Rebate and Replacement Policy

In prior years, Luxfer has conducted various rebate, replacement and trade-in programs, all of which have now ended, with one exception: Certain older Luxfer scuba cylinders sold by U.S. Divers were issued with a lifetime warranty. This lifetime warranty will continue to be honored for the life of each cylinder so warranted. However, since this warranty was non-transferable, it will be necessary for those wishing to make warranty claims to prove that they are original owners of any cylinders in question. There are several ways to prove original ownership, including warranty certificates, cash register receipts, and records maintained by merchants. Luxfer Customer Service will be glad to assist in establishing original ownership by those wishing to make legitimate warranty claims.

All Luxfer scuba cylinders made from 6351 alloy are now out of warranty and no longer eligible for replacement, rebates or credits. To determine whether a cylinder is made from this alloy, consult the Luxfer website ( or call Luxfer Customer Service toll-free at 800-764-0366.

This Luxfer Policy Statement is not a recommendation to discontinue use of older Luxfer scuba cylinders made from 6351 alloy. As long as such cylinders are inspected in accordance with Luxfer requirements and can be requalified according to regulations established by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), they can continue to be used indefinitely. For information about inspection requirements and other pertinent safety information, please visit the Luxfer website or call Luxfer Customer Service.

This policy statement supersedes all other policy statements and programs concerning Luxfer scuba cylinders. If you have questions about this Luxfer policy, please call Luxfer Customer Service toll-free at 800-764-0366.


Luxfer approves use of Visual Plus 3 eddy-current inspection equipment for Luxfer aluminum cylinders manufactured from 6351 alloy and 6061 alloy

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (October 11, 2004)—Luxfer Gas Cylinders has announced that computer-aided Visual Plus 3™ eddy-current inspection equipment is suitable for use with Luxfer aluminum cylinders manufactured both from 6351 alloy and 6061 alloy. Visual Plus 3 is manufactured and marketed by Advanced Inspection Technology, Inc. (AIT).

This represents a change from previous Luxfer policy, which permitted the use of eddy-current equipment only with Luxfer cylinders made from 6351 alloy. Luxfer did not recommend the use of such equipment for Luxfer cylinders made from Luxfer’s proprietary version of 6061 alloy because earlier types of eddy-current equipment produced an excessive number of “false positive” readings, causing good 6061-alloy cylinders to be erroneously condemned.

After laboratory testing, Luxfer has determined that properly calibrated Visual Plus 3 equipment eliminates the “false positive” problem, accurately measures features in the neck area of aluminum cylinders, and generally provides correct pass or fail assessments with cylinders made from 6351 alloy and 6061 alloy.

As of this date, Luxfer deems Visual Plus 3 to be the only eddy-current testing device suitable for use with Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders. Luxfer will continue to evaluate the performance of Visual Plus 3 under field conditions and issue technical advisories, as needed.

Luxfer is in the process of testing other new eddy-current equipment. Technical statements will be published when final test results are available.

Luxfer continues to recommend the use of earlier types of eddy-current equipment—including Visual Plus™, Visual Plus 2™, and Visual Eddy™ —to aid in the inspection of Luxfer 6351-alloy cylinders. However, these devices still should not be used with Luxfer 6061-alloy cylinders.

Luxfer emphasizes that all eddy-current devices are tools that improve the quality and accuracy of inspections—but use of these devices does not eliminate the need for a thorough visual inspection by a properly trained and qualified inspector.

This announcement supersedes all previous Luxfer statements concerning use of eddy-current devices with Luxfer cylinders.


Luxfer announces major expansion at European composite cylinder plant

NOTTINGHAM, United Kingdom (Oct. 4, 2004) — Luxfer Gas Cylinders has announced plans to expand the manufacture of high-pressure composite cylinders in Europe with the addition of a wide range of products currently manufactured in the United States.

New composite winding equipment will be installed at Luxfer’s plant in Gerzat, France, which currently produces Kevlar and carbon composite hoop-wrap cylinders used primarily for medical oxygen and self-contained breathing apparatus for the fire and rescue market. The investment will significantly enhance Luxfer’s commitment to optimum service levels, particularly in response to European market demand for full-wrap medical oxygen cylinders and life-support breathing systems.

Luxfer Europe’s Managing Director David Rix anticipates that production will commence mid-2005. He adds: “In response to growing medical and life-support markets, we plan to increase manufacturing capacity in the future, as well as expanding Luxfer’s range into other European sectors. Not only will the new Gerzat manufacturing facility further strengthen Luxfer’s position at the forefront of pioneering developments in advanced cylinder technology, it will also provide the European marketplace with a fully integrated product line.”

Luxfer Gas Cylinders, a member of the Luxfer Group of high-technology companies, is the world’s largest manufacturer of composite and aluminium cylinders. Luxfer offers a wide range of composite cylinders made at its facility in Riverside, California. The company recently announced plans to open a new composite cylinder plant in Shanghai, China, early in 2005. Luxfer also operates aluminium cylinder plants in Nottingham, United Kingdom; Gerzat, France; Riverside, California; and Graham, North Carolina.

For more information about Luxfer Gas Cylinders, visit the company website at, as well as the Luxfer Group website at


Luxfer medical online for patient support and information

13 September 2004 — Luxfer Medical recently announced the launch of their on-line information and support site specifically developed for oxygen therapy patients, respiratory specialists and the emergency services.

The site has been designed with the help of patient support groups to provide advice and information on issues including: living with COPD, oxygen cylinder safety and global initiatives in improving patient mobility.

European Marketing Manager Vicky Butler adds; “The new website will continually evolve to provide instant access and information on medical oxygen supplies, services and developments across Europe.

By working closely with patient groups, healthcare professionals and hospitals, Luxfer Medical is now able to provide portable oxygen delivery systems which have been ergonomically developed to offer significant weight reductions for greatly improved mobility, independence and overall quality of life.”

For more information visit


Update to Luraville FL incident

August 23, 2004 — Investigators continue to believe that the July 27, 2004 incident in Luraville, Florida was caused when an operator was about to fill oxygen into a scuba cylinder that was not designed for oxygen use, and most probably the valve and/or cylinder had not been purged of all organic matter. Ignition from the fall caused the organic matter in the cylinder to burn, which caused the resulting fire and explosion.

Investigators have determined that the cylinder was made of aluminum alloy 6061. Investigators have ruled out the cylinder as a cause of the explosion.


Cylinder incident in Luraville Florida

August 9, 2004 — Regulatory authorities are investigating the death of a woman who was injured while attempting to fill a scuba cylinder with pure oxygen. The cylinder fell over, burned and exploded at Cave Excursions dive shop in Luraville, Florida, on July 27, 2004.

Sara Frances Slaughter, 50, a dive shop employee, was attempting to add 98 percent oxygen to the Luxfer 30-cubic-foot scuba cylinder—which was not prepared by Luxfer for such pure oxygen service—when the accident occurred. Witnesses said that the cylinder fell and immediately exploded in a fiery flash on impact. Three bystanders suffered injuries, including burns. The dive shop was also damaged, but was subsequently repaired.

Investigators attributed the fire and explosion to the presence of an organic contaminant, noting that any organic material can ignite in the presence of pure oxygen and an ignition source. Federal law and industry standards require that any high-pressure cylinder intended for oxygen use must be scientifically cleaned of organic material before being filled with oxygen. Such cylinders must remain in this “oxygen clean” condition while being used with oxygen. Investigators said that the cylinder or valve—or both—involved in the accident either had not been properly cleaned or had become contaminated. Impact from the fall may also have contributed to the explosion, investigators said. They also noted that labeling on the cylinder did not indicate whether the cylinder had been properly visually inspected for damage, thread conditions or imperfections other than corrosion.

As the investigation continues, authorities will determine whether federal or state laws were violated and announce their complete findings at a later date. Participating in the investigation are the U.S. Department of Transportation, OSHA and the Suwanee County Sheriff’s Department.


Luxfer’s Superlite cylinder brings light relief to new TV drama

7 July 2004 — Actors filming Yorkshire TV’s major new seven-part drama Steel River Blues are breathing a sigh of relief thanks to revolutionary Superlite cylinders on loan from Luxfer.

Weighing in at a fraction the weight of traditional steel cylinders, Luxfer’s Superlite cylinders helped lighten the load for actors wearing SCBA during long hours of filming and training.

The hard-hitting series explores the lives and working challenges of Blue Watch, a fire-fighting team based in the industrial heart of Middlesborough.

The cast of TV regulars including Daniel Casey (Midsomer Murders), Kelly Wenham (Where The Heart Is) and Charles Dale (Coronation Street) were put through their paces during intensive training for scenes involving stairs and confined spaces to prepare them for filming under extreme conditions.

Producer Ken Horn says; “We’ve assembled an excellent writing team and the scripts we’ve developed have a strong action element fused with some fascinating characters and stories told with a dark comic vein.”

Steel River Blues is scheduled for release in Autumn 2004 on ITV 1.


Luxfer Europe employees take part in Annual Lung Run

April 30, 2004 — Employees from Luxfer Europe were once again among the thousands of runners in the British Lung Foundation’s Annual Lung Run. The Lung Run, now in its 11th anniversary year, was held on the 25th of April in Sutton Park, Birmingham, UK. It attracted thousands of runners from across the UK and members of the Breathe Easy Group, the Foundation’s patient support network. The British Lung Foundation is a lifeline for many of the 8 million people living with lung disease throughout the UK. Luxfer was one of the event’s main sponsors and we are extremely proud to be associated with such a deserving and hard working charity.

Our runners did extremely well, with many of them positioning themselves within the first few hundred runners. Richard Trapeau from the company’s French manufacturing facility finished the 10K race in an outstanding time of 38min and 4 seconds, for which he was awarded 15th place out of a total of more than 1000 runners. This combined with the excellent times of his teammates ensured Luxfer were awarded the 4th challenge team trophy. Luxfer’s other team also did well competing within the 5K race with many members achieving times well under 25 minutes.

Luxfer looks forward to competing at the 12th Lung Run in 2005 and maintaining or improving its position.


Luxfer to host 6th Annual Luxfer United Way Golf Tournament in Moreno Valley, California

April 12, 2004 — On Monday, October 18, 2004 Luxfer will host our 6th Annual Luxfer/United Way Golf Tournament at Moreno Valley Ranch Golf Club, Moreno Valley, California. The theme for this year’s tournament is “Fall Festival”. We hope you will enjoy the four “theme holes” throughout the course, where there will be surprises, cold drinks and snacks. We’ve moved the date out in response to the survey cards we sent out after our last tournament. The new date will allow time for the course to be re-seeded and guarantee the Valley & Lake Courses will be in great shape for our tournament. Also, we can look forward to cooler weather. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. -- come early, check in and try your luck in the chipping and putting contests and/or hit some balls on the driving range. Enjoy your “Octoberfest” sausage box lunch and be ready for the tournament shotgun start at 12 p.m. Please plan to stay for the great steak/chicken buffet dinner at the conclusion of the tournament, as well as the trophy presentation and raffle drawings. We look forward to welcoming several newcomers to this event, as well as our friends and associates who have joined us in the past. There will be a 10% “Early Bird Discount” available to all who send in their reservations and payments prior to July 31, 2004. Please be sure to call ahead to assure that the sponsorship you are interested in is still available. We will be happy to hold any phone reservations for a two week period for payment to be received. Once the two week time frame has passed, the sponsorship will again be opened up to anyone else who may be interested in it.

This year we’re offering a “Baker’s Dozen Contest Package”. For just $30.00 you will be entered in 13 different contests throughout the day, including four Holes in One, two Longest Drive, two Closest to the Pin, a Straightest Drive, Ball on the Fairway, Ball on the Green and, of course, the Chipping Contest, and $10K Putting Contests, plus you’ll receive five free tickets for our FABULOUS RAFFLE.

You won’t want to miss being a part of this exciting day of golf, giveaways and fun. So, mark your calendars and make the call now to register for the tournament and get in on the Early Bird Discount.


Luxfer and United Way would like to thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile event. While you’re enjoying a great day of golf, you’re also helping us help folks in need throughout our local communities.

If you would like further information regarding the tournament, please contact Barbara Reynolds at (951) 341-2231. For raffle prize or cash donations (WHICH WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED), please call Elaine Pia at (951) 341-2303 or Brenda DeLongchamp at (951) 341-2212.

Please join us at “The Ranch” in October. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


5 year periodic inspection testing Luxfer fully wrapped carbon composite cylinders – Europe

February 4, 2004 — Effective 1st January, 2003, Luxfer Gas Cylinders has extended the retest period from 3 years to 5 years for carbon composite cylinders marked in accordance with specification HSE-AL-FW2. Retest data was reviewed by Luxfer and an approved Inspection Body, Arrowhead Industrial Service Ltd, of Lincolnshire, England. The British Health & Safety Executive was notified of this change as of November 27, 2002 in accordance with the requirements of HSE-AL-FW2. No subsequent approval of this change is anticipated from the HSE, as the requirements of specification HSE-AL-FW2, Appendix 1, have been fulfilled. View a copy of this letter of notification.

Effective May 1, 2003, Luxfer Gas Cylinders recommends a retest period of 5 years for our carbon composite cylinders marked in accordance with any approval as based on the European Standard EN12245. This approval applies to CE marked cylinders in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EEC (PED) and PI marked cylinders in accordance with the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive 99/36/EEC (TPED). The retest extension has no affect on the 15 year maximum cylinder life.

Cylinders used for breathing apparatus as approved to the PED and CE marked are excluded from the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). It is our understanding that the applicable retest period is based both on our manufacturer’s recommendations and the individual national laws that may apply in the country of use. Our recommendation for the retest period is 5 years as documented in our user’s manual for this cylinder type. A copy of this manual can be obtained from or from our website

For cylinders already in service and marked with a three year retest date, Luxfer would recommend that they should be retested on the date marked and, subject to satisfactorily passing the inspection guidelines laid down in EN/ISO 11623 (periodic inspection and testing of composite cylinders), should then be marked with the 5 year interval. Cylinders manufactured from February 2002 onwards (carrying the CE Mark) can automatically be extended to a five year retest*.

All existing cylinder types have proven to be of sufficient reliability to qualify for a 5 year retest. The most important element of a composite cylinder retest is a competent and comprehensive visual inspection carried out by a competently trained person. Such visual inspections might be warranted between required retests depending on the type of use and level of abuse of a cylinder. The required retest period should be treated as a maximum period of time to which a cylinder shall be subjected to such an inspection.

*Subject to national regulations