US +1800 764 0366 | Europe & Middle East +44 (0)115 980 3800 | Asia-Pacific: +61 2 7227 5369

Company History

Luxfer produces the world’s first hot-extruded seamless aluminum cylinder.

Using its proprietary extrusion technology, Luxfer produces the world’s first cold-extruded, seamless, high-pressure aluminum cylinders.

Luxfer begins manufacturing higher-pressure hoop-wrapped composite cylinders with fiberglass-reinforced walls. Because these cylinders can hold more air under higher pressure, they become popular as part of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) equipment used by firefighters.

Luxfer introduces high-pressure, even lighter-weight composite cylinders fully wrapped with fibreglass (and later Kevlar®), and these products also prove to be particularly well suited for firefighter SCBA kits, as well as for first responder life- support applications, including oxygen containment.

Luxfer formulates a proprietary version of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. Compared to conventional versions of 6061 alloy, Luxfer’s L6X has been optimized to improve durability, fracture toughness and resistance to tearing and cracking, even under high-pressure loads over long periods.

Luxfer introduces its LCX® line, its lightest-weight composite cylinders, fully wrapped with aerospace-grade carbon composite fiber. Initially used for firefighter life-support, these ultra-lightweight, high-capacity cylinders are soon introduced into other markets, including medical, automotive, aerospace and inflation.

Luxfer introduces its patented L7X® higher-strength aluminum alloy in Europe. The alloy is first used to make ultra-lightweight, higher-pressure (200-bar or 3,000-psi) medical oxygen cylinders that provide up to 50 percent more oxygen in a package no larger than conventional cylinders.

Luxfer Nottingham designs and manufactures its first Hydrogen and CNG vehicle systems.

Luxfer introduces ECLIPSETM at the FDIC International show. Luxfer ECLIPSE is the next evolution in SCBA cylinders with a next-generation design that minimizes weight without compromising safety, reliability and durability.

2020 & 2021
Luxfer supplies hydrogen systems for the world’s first Hydrogen truck and bus fleets.

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