At Luxfer we are proud to help shape the future of the hydrogen economy while driving adoption of hydrogen fuel systems both in the UK and across the globe.

Here, two members of our alternative fuel (AF) team shed light on the complexities of designing hydrogen systems for various mobility applications, emphasising the crucial role of safety and standardisation in this rapidly developing field. Additionally, they delve into the evolving talent landscape required to support the growing hydrogen industry.

Hydrogen on the move

The world of hydrogen mobility is anything but one-size-fits-all. From powering buses to propelling boats, each application demands a unique approach to hydrogen system design. At Luxfer, our AF design team embraces a bespoke approach, crafting custom-built hydrogen fuel systems for diverse vehicle platforms.

“While the ideal would be one standardised system per vehicle application that fits, works, and is then tailored, the reality is that every customer has different requirements,” explains Yuen Lam, AF Systems Designer. “The challenge is to satisfy all those requirements while overcoming considerable design challenges.”

Besides considering weight, the goal is to increase capacity even when working within certain constraints. “Not only is the weight of hydrogen cylinders and the system itself fundamental, but space is a key factor,” he says. “Systems must be fitted within designated spaces and the best way to mount solutions must be assessed in relation to other vehicle components, which could affect safety or efficiency.”

By working closely with each customer, our AF design team tackles these challenges head-on. This collaborative approach ensures that every hydrogen system is meticulously tailored to not only meet specific needs but also integrate seamlessly with the vehicle’s architecture.

Hydrogen cylinders: making the right choice

Hydrogen storage solutions are not all built the same. At Luxfer, with our 80-year legacy in gas storage and over 20 years in developing hydrogen fuel systems, we understand this better than anyone. In fact, over 40% of hydrogen mobility storage systems globally boast our expertise.

Beyond the standard concerns of functionality, two key factors dominate the design process: weight and capacity. “The weight of the cylinder and the entire system is critical,” says Yuen. “But space is equally important.” Integrating these systems seamlessly within designated vehicle spaces becomes a puzzle, as placement can impact safety and efficiency.

“Being technology neutral, we can offer customers our leading line of high-pressure Type 3 or Type 4 hydrogen cylinders based on factors such as application, weight, required gas capacity, regulatory approvals and end use.”

G-Stor™ Pro Type 3:
For those seeking the ultimate blend of capacity and weight efficiency, look no further than our G-Stor™ Pro Type 3 composite cylinders. These aluminium-lined hydrogen cylinders are renowned for their robustness, fast-fill capabilities, and minimal gas permeability. This translates to a longer-lasting system with increased value – a favourite of pioneers, vehicle manufacturers, and hydrogen suppliers alike.

G-Stor™ Go H2 Type 4:
Our plastic lined G-Stor™ Go H2 cylinder leverages Type 4 technology. This translates to impressive storage volumes while maintaining a lightweight design. Available in three sizes, these hydrogen cylinders can store between 14.5 and 19.1kg of hydrogen at pressures up to 350 bar (5,000 PSI). The proven boss-to-liner interface minimises permeation, making it a certified and cost-effective option for long-range applications like rail, boats, and other vehicles.

Setting the safety standard

Hydrogen’s potential as a clean fuel is undeniable. But for widespread adoption, safety must be paramount. This is something we take very seriously at Luxfer.

We were among the first manufacturers to achieve approval for Regulation No R134, a global safety standard that certifies cylinders for safe use in hydrogen-powered vehicles across diverse applications. Unfortunately, not all hydrogen cylinders on the market meet this benchmark.

Our high-pressure hydrogen cylinders are built to endure, designed to meet stringent performance requirements, and are rigorously tested against relevant regulations and engineering standards. Louis Johnson, Alternative Fuel Design Engineer, elaborates: “Luxfer cylinders undergo a strict testing regime, including extreme temperature testing, drop and impact testing, gunfire testing, fatigue cycle, and burst testing. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring their integrity.”

The absence of standardised regulations specifically for mobility applications creates hurdles for development. Louis emphasises the critical need for clear and uniform safety requirements across the board. “More needs to be done to put codes and standards in place, supported by the necessary guidance and information for all manufacturers to safely build, maintain, and operate hydrogen equipment, systems, and facilities. Without addressing concerns related to safety, and without clear guidelines and regulations that apply across the entire supply chain, building confidence in hydrogen systems among companies who may be looking to invest in greener, more sustainable solutions will remain a challenge.”

Luxfer is at the forefront of hydrogen safety innovation. “By prioritising rigorous testing, adhering to the highest standards, and advocating for clear regulations, we’re paving the way for a future powered by clean, safe hydrogen,” says Louis.

Building a hydrogen-ready workforce

The hydrogen revolution is upon us, but with great potential comes a critical need for skilled professionals. According to Louis, although hydrogen is a dynamic and evolving sector, there is a training and knowledge gap.“Industry needs to find the right skills to fuel the hydrogen transformation, not just in terms of skilled professionals for research, innovation, and infrastructure development, but also for the maintenance of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles.”

Here’s how Luxfer is tackling this challenge:

Luxfer Care: This comprehensive training and maintenance service goes beyond technical support. Luxfer is developing training programmes for end-users, equipping them with the knowledge to operate hydrogen systems safely and efficiently.

Investing in apprenticeships: Luxfer’s apprenticeship programme is a prime example of its commitment to talent development. Take Yuen, for instance. Joining as a design engineer apprentice in 2019, he’s now a permanent member of the team, pushing the boundaries of hydrogen cylinder technology. “Apprenticeships are not only a powerful tool for fostering skills development, but in the hydrogen sector in particular, it is a sound strategy for reducing the skills gap,” he says.

Embracing diversity and inclusivity: We recognise the importance of a diverse workforce in traditionally male-dominated fields like engineering and manufacturing. We are actively refining our training, employment, and business practices to create an inclusive work environment.

Collaboration is key

Collaboration is key to shaping the future of the hydrogen economy and driving global adoption. As hydrogen continues to gain momentum, Luxfer is proud to be part of a number of groups and membership bodies – we most recently joined East Midlands Hydrogen, the UK’s largest inland hydrogen consortium – all working towards the same goal: shaping the future of the hydrogen economy and driving adoption both in the UK and across the globe.