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May 23, 2003 – Luxfer Medical’s lightweight oxygen cylinders played a major role in helping the RN & RM Expedition reach the summit of Mount Everest despite overwhelming setbacks including injuries and abnormally high winds during the 8,800 North Ridge Climb.
The team reached their final destination on May 22nd with the aid of a revolutionary oxygen delivery system which included cannulas in place of traditional face masks and 80 lightweight oxygen cylinders (carbon full wraps)
Vicky Butler, Luxfer’s European Marketing Manager added: “We’re delighted that Luxfer Medical’s oxygen cylinders proved such an invaluable piece of equipment during the Everest Expedition but not completely surprised. Not only are they 55% lighter than traditional steel equivalents but better still, climbers had the added advantage of extended oxygen delivery even at 8,800 metres!”
For further information about Luxfer Medical cylinders please contact 0115 9803839 or email