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RIVERSIDE, California, USA – Luxfer Gas Cylinders has announced the appointment of Mark Lawday as Vice President & General Manager of Luxfer Europe with responsibility for leading European operations for Luxfer Gas Cylinders Division of Luxfer Holdings plc.
With a background in mechanical design and manufacturing, Mark is a graduate member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining with a special interest in metallurgy and the processing of high-strength aluminium alloys.
Vice President & General Manager of Luxfer Europe Tony Edwards has decided to transition into a well-deserved retirement.
“I am delighted to announce that replacing Tony will be Mark Lawday,” said Andy Butcher, President of Luxfer Gas Cylinders. “Mark joined Luxfer 17 years ago and has progressed through a range of increasingly senior business development and sales roles in Europe and North America. Since joining the European Leadership Team in March 2017, Mark has led a step change in commercial execution which has played a pivotal role in helping improve the overall performance of the business and created a platform for further growth.”
In his new role, Mark will be responsible for the overall success of the European business and for the local execution of the Luxfer Gas Cylinders Global Strategy. He will continue to be a champion for growth in high pressure cylinders and alternative fuel systems, introducing innovative new products for our customers and end users, and fulfilling our Customer Charter. His other primary areas of focus will include the pursuit of operational excellence in all areas, occupational safety and the continued engagement and development of our people, and our programs to deliver environmental sustainability and to participate in our community.