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Luxfer does not require or recommend eddy-current

Luxfer Gas Cylinders has received questions from cylinder inspectors and users about whether it is necessary to use eddy-current devices to test Luxfer scuba cylinders made from aluminum alloy 6061 (AA6061).
Eddy-current testing is used to detect sustained-load cracking (SLC) in aluminum alloy cylinders. The majority of Luxfer aluminum alloy cylinders in service today are made from Luxfer AA6061 alloy, which is not susceptible to SLC.
For all scuba cylinders made from Luxfer AA6061, the Luxfer manufacturer’s requirement is that cylinders conform to regulatory requirements for periodic inspection and testing in the countries in which cylinders are being used. Luxfer does not require or recommend eddy-current testing of these AA6061 cylinders.
Posted by Luxfer